Christianity Today Bible Studies
These Bible studies provide a biblical perspective on current issues and hot topics that Christians are encountering in the world today. Based on articles from Christianity Today magazine, these Bible studies are a great way to spark group discussions that are relevant and applicable to everyday life.

Evangelism in a Changing World
What we can learn from the global church about reaching people for Christ.

Racism: How Should Christians Respond?
Our faith must inform the way we think and act about this ongoing issue.

What Does the Bible Say About Being Gay?
Shining God’s light of truth on a polarizing topic

Experience God Every Day
A 40-day journey to help you experience God’s presence every day.

An Unremarkable Testimony
Some of us can’t pinpoint a moment of conversion, and that’s okay.

The Bond of Friendship
In our modern day of mobility and instant gratification, what might lifelong dedication to a friend mean?

Troubled Minds: Responding to Mental Illness
Discover how the church can—and must—help those who are struggling.

Becoming a Balanced Woman
Practical, biblical perspectives on self-worth, stress, confidence, and contentment.

Marriage by God's Design
From the very beginning, husbands and wives were meant to do so much more than simply grow old together.

A Truly Simple Life
Though the world tells us we must be, do, and have more, God calls us to be content.

Called to a Life of Mercy and Justice
God's heart beats for mercy and justice, and so should ours.

God Is Love: No Buts About It
Why do we find ourselves squirming at the announcement of God's love?

God of Wrath, God of Love
The God of the Old Testament is the same God we find in the New.

Waiting for a Prodigal's Return
How can we graciously wait for someone to return who has walked away from the faith?

Custom-Fit Discipleship
There's no one-size-fits-all plan for evangelism or discipleship.

The Origins Debate
Evangelical perspectives on creation, evolution, and intelligent design.

The War on Women
The world's worst holocaust, and how Christians are saving one girl at a time.