Whether you're just starting or looking to grow your existing small group ministry, much of the strategies are the same. Learn how to recruit leaders and group members, communicate about small groups, start new groups, run a successful campaign, and more.
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Market Your Small-Group Ministry
Communicate about small groups in a clear, compelling way that draws people into groups.

How to Inspire People to Join Small Groups
Inviting people into the discipleship journey.

Grow the Number of Small Groups in Your Church
Using addition and multiplication to expand your ministry

How Should We Connect People into Small Groups?
Three connection methods that could work in your church.

Launching Small Groups in a Smaller Church
Great advice for the majority of American churches

Should We Structure for Rapid or Controlled Growth?
Both models can bring incredible growth if you choose the right one for your church.

What Type of Studies Should We Use?
Determine whether sermon-based studies or a la carte studies would work best in your context.

Small Groups in a Bilingual Church
How one multiethnic church structures small groups to reach their community

Launching a Lay Counseling Ministry
Ministering to hurting people is an important part of any church.
What's the Best Way to Launch New Small Groups?
The answer lies in which set of problems you are most willing to endure.
Successfully Launching a Small Group
Here are four things you can do to make sure you new group takes flight.
When You Have an Open Door
Here's how to incorporate new members into an existing small group.
The Benefits of Small Groups in Smaller Churches
Exploring the power of accountability, forward momentum, and missional identity
Four Keys to Customize Your Small-Group Strategy
Use these practical steps to help re-focus your ministry.

The Power of Testimony
Make sure to take advantage of this powerful tool when promoting small groups.

Could Short-Term Groups Be Right for Your Church?
Small-groups based on topic or affinity—and a time limit—are an attractive option for some.

5 Ways to Motivate People to Join Small Groups
Plus, two tactics that do not work to get people to join and stay involved.

Bring Structure to Your Ministry
Everything you need for the behind-the-scenes work of small-group ministry

Hosts or Leaders: What Should We Call Our Volunteers?
Take a look at what a simple word can communicate.

Guía de Orientación: Director de Grupos Pequeños
Recursos para la persona liderando el ministerio de grupos pequeños.

Become a Church of Groups
Make small groups the core of your church, not just another ministry.

The Crack in Your Small-Group Ministry
8 tips to ensure that everyone who signs up for small groups gets connected.

Turn Ministry Teams into Small Groups
How to transition a task group into a community group