Sustain/Support Your Ministry
Once your small group ministry is up and running, you'll need to put certain things in place to keep it running smoothly. Support your leaders with coaching and training, and provide ongoing assessment and support.
Start Here

Small-Group Evaluations
Make sure your individual groups and overall ministry are healthy.

Ministering to Difficult Group Members
How to effectively lead a group without letting members' quirks get you off track

Conquer Common Meeting Problems
Say goodbye to low attendance, bad studies, childcare issues, shallow relationships, and more.

Equip your group leaders and members to minister to someone after he or she loses a job.

Get helpful advice on how to help individuals and families affected by this disease.

Dealing with Divorce in Your Small Group
Be prepared for a crisis that impacts a high percentage of small groups.

Four Tips for Effective Delegation
Save your sanity and strengthen your ministry by delegating well.

How to Prepare Your Small-Group Ministry for Summer
Before the summer months hit, make some plans for your small groups.

How To Effectively Communicate with Group Leaders
Consistent and regular communication is key to healthy groups. Here's five ways to make it happen.

Small-Group Ministry Events on a Budget
Launch groups, train leaders, and show appreciation without breaking the bank.

How to Pray for Your Small-Group Ministry
Head to battle with the appropriate spiritual weapons.
Healthy Small Group
We had to figure out what "healthy small group" meant, how to identify it, and how to foster healthy growth.

5 Ways to Invest in Your Small-Group Ministry This Summer
Now is the time to build up your ministry for a strong fall launch.

How I Changed My Mind About Metrics
Numbers used to drive me crazy, but now I depend on them to minister well.

Hungry for Transformation
Ruth Barton shares what it takes to experience life change in small groups.

How to Stretch Your Dollar for Small-Group Curriculum
Great Bible studies can be expensive, but they don't have to be.

Beyond Good Small-Group Meetings
A review of M. Scott Boren's 'Leading Small Groups in the Way of Jesus'

Four Bad Reasons to "Close" Your Group
These common excuses for rejecting visitors just don't pass the test.

An Open Letter to Small-Group Pastors
Why you need to focus on fun with your small groups, and how to actually do it
Twittering Jesus
Social media provides a number of useful tools to small groups and small-group leaders.