Be a Healthy Leader
Want to know the key to effective ministry? Healthy leadership. Whether you're the small group pastor, a small group coach, or a small group leader, your ministry is far too important to be led by an unhealthy leader. Assess your leadership and learn how to keep a close relationship with Christ, avoid burnout, and even rest from ministry.
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Healthy Small-Group Leadership
Your ministry is far too important to handle as an unhealthy leader.

Are You an Unhealthy Leader?
No well-intentioned leader would set out to lead this way, but it happens all the time.

Spiritual Disciplines for Leaders
Practices that can provide focus and refreshment for small-group ministry leaders

Soul Care for Leaders Bundle
Everything you need to encourage healthy leadership in your ministry

Accountability for Church Leaders
Why and how to embrace this vital part of Christian life and leadership

Go Deeper with Spiritual Disciplines
Everything you need to engage spiritual practices individually and in a group

Three Game-Changers for People-Pleasing Leaders
Emotionally healthy leaders are fueled by healthy motivations.

Are You an Unhealthy Leader?
No well-intentioned leader would set out to lead this way, but it happens all the time.

Become a Transformational Leader
Seven tips that allow leaders to influence their groups in powerful ways.

Who's on Your Personal Board of Directors?
Find the right people to help you serve effectively in your sweet spot.

Healthy Ministries Have Healthy and Growing Leaders
Why investing in leaders should be a top priority

Share the Load
Dividing responsibilities not only eases your leadership burden, it helps your group members grow.

How to Prevent Groups From "Doing Their Own Thing"?
Small group experts Amber Stewart and Ryan Hartwig share practical ways to avoid surprises.

Seven Questions To Help You Grow Spiritually As A Leader
Take a few minutes (or more) to reflect on these essential, life-transforming queries.

The Danger of Pragmatism
Why small-group staff must keep theology and praxis in the correct order

The Fruit of Solitude
If the spiritual discipline of solitude doesn't impact real life, it's not worth much.