Multiply a Group
Whether you call it multiplying, birthing, or splitting, a great way to grow the number of groups in your small group ministry is to have current small group leaders break off from their groups to start new ones. Learn how to do this in a healthy and successful way.
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Branching over Birthing: The Alternative to Splitting Up a Good Thing
For group birthing to work, it needs to be natural instead of prescribed.
Multiplying Values
Great Commission leaders must be influencing those "allotted to your charge" to become multiplying leaders who will at the same time develop a multiplying strategy to reach the world for Christ.
Multiplying Your Small Group Multiplication Efforts
Be intentional about birthing new groups.
Is Your Small Group The Front Door or the Back Door to the Church
Small groups are an effective, comfortable way to introduce nonbelievers to God.
Birthing with a Kingdom Vision
You can make birthing a new group easier by fostering a Kingdom vision within your group.
Successfully Launching a Small Group
Here are four things you can do to make sure you new group takes flight.
Casting a Vision for Group Multiplication
Practical advice for shifting the culture and focus of your ministry
Why Listening Makes a Difference
Going beyond the act of hearing can bring a load of blessings to your group.
The Tug-of-War between Community and Evangelism
Your group doesn't have to choose between community and evangelism—you just have to be intentional about maintaining both.
Balancing Mission and Comfort—An Olympic Feat
The balance between outreach and in-reach in your small group is a delicate one to maintain.
The "Joys" of Multiplication
Multiplying small groups can be difficult, but the rewards are worth it.