How to “Funnel” People into Your Group
How to move people from large group settings into small groups.
Reach Out and Touch People…Right Where They Live
I was just looking to care for an ailing member, but God opened the door to something much bigger.
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
A Discussion with a Neighborhood Group Leader
Reconnecting the Connected
How one church built groups from natural affinity groups.
Winning In Life Together
Living life in relationship with others is God's pathway for living a life of purpose.
When a Leader in Conflict Asks a Coach for Help
As a coach, there are several questions you need to ask yourself when helping a leader through conflict.
Dealing with Conflict
In complex issues, if you know your own preferred reaction to conflict, it can help you choose the right course.
Two Keys To Resolving Conflict
Acknowledging conflict, and turning the focus to Christ, can sometimes quell a rising storm.
Conflict - Which Approach Do You Take?
There are several different approaches to conflict; which one you choose depends on the situation.
When Life Happens … Prepare to Fight!
Even spiritual people can be in conflict with each other.
Prayer for Purpose
One church learned that prayer is the essential ingredient for small group success.
Shaping Shepherds and Sheep
Six steps to mentor your leaders and their groups.
Cracking the Leadership Code
Take these steps to care for small-group leaders and keep them functioning well.
What Small-Group Leaders Need
How to give the support, training, and encouragement that will help a Small-Group Leader succeed.
Making Small-Group Leaders Part of the Team
We must be finding and building Small-Group Leaders constantly.
The Small-Group Leader Needs…Peers in Service
Small-Group Leaders need love more than anything else.
Leadership Support – Keeping it Simple
If our churches are going to be healthy, then we have got to have healthy leaders.
Build leader support events from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
To Coach with Love
One Small-Group Leader shares her needs with her coach.
Transformation Takes Time
Follow these steps to lead people down the path of continued spiritual growth.