Practical Ministry Skills
Practical training that leaders can work through on their own, in groups, or at training events

Recruiting Leaders Without a Church-Wide Campaign
Strategies for identifying and inviting people to lead a small group

Develop Your Ministry Team
Practical tips for developing your team—both as individuals and as one cohesive unit

How to Respond to Mental Illness
Practical, healthy ways to help people in your small group who are affected by mental illness

Create Sermon-Based Bible Studies
How to write engaging group studies that tie into your pastor's sermons

Organize Your Small-Group Ministry
The right structure will allow your ministry to thrive and grow.

Spiritual Disciplines for Leaders
Practices that can provide focus and refreshment for small-group ministry leaders

Engage Your Community
Discover the real needs of your community, and make a plan that fits your group.

Develop a Small-Group Strategy
Expert advice on creating a custom plan for your ministry

Effective Student Groups
Disciple the students in your ministry through intentional small groups.

Conquer Common Meeting Problems
Say goodbye to low attendance, bad studies, childcare issues, shallow relationships, and more.

Become a Church of Groups
Make small groups the core of your church, not just another ministry.

Shepherd New Believers
Learn what you can do to steer new believers in your group toward growth.

Healthy Small-Group Leadership
Your ministry is far too important to handle as an unhealthy leader.

Empower Small-Group Leaders
Release your leaders to lead without micromanaging or giving total freedom.

Theological Discussions for Everyone
Get everyone involved in meaningful, fruitful discussions.

Turn Ministry Teams into Small Groups
How to transition a task group into a community group

Successful Short-Term Groups
Whether you're doing a campaign or trying out some specialty groups, use this resource to make them successful.

Create a Compelling Vision for Small Groups
Assess and revamp your current ministry vision, or create one from scratch.

Market Your Small-Group Ministry
Communicate about small groups in a clear, compelling way that draws people into groups.

Leading Outside the Box
Simple, practical ideas for mixing up your small-group meetings

Find the Right Study for Your Group
Practical tips so you'll never dread finding a study again

Social Media for Small-Group Ministry
How to use social media to connect, inform, and mobilize group members

The First Meeting
How to start strong and make it smoothly through that initial gathering.

Creative Small-Group Leader Training
Think outside the box and your leaders will want to attend training events.

Making a Case for Small Groups
Gain practical tips for helping others understand the value of small groups

Meaningful Groups for Emerging Adults
Ministering to the life stage of 18- to 30-year-olds

Physical Presence Matters
Face to face time is important and small groups can help meet this need.

Improving Communication for Effective Small-Group Ministry
Communicate your message about small groups to church leaders, small-group leaders, and church members in a clear and compelling way.

Staying Connected to Your Church
Tools for getting and keeping your small groups connected to your church's mission

Exegesis and Hermeneutics for Small Groups
Practical information and tips to faithfully interpret Scripture together

Accountability for Church Leaders
Why and how to embrace this vital part of Christian life and leadership

Ministering to Struggling Small Group Leaders
A practical guide on preventing issues, dealing with specific struggles, and handling difficult conversations.

Recruiting Reluctant Small-Group Leaders
Expert advice on a difficult (but rewarding) job

Launching a Lay Counseling Ministry
Ministering to hurting people is an important part of any church.
Effective Online Small Groups
It's time to boldly go where few small groups have gone before.

Effective Small Groups for Men
Get great advice and practical tips on ministering to a neglected demographic

Devotions for Short-Term Missions Teams
Sharpen your spiritual focus with these eight readings.

Life-Changing Small Groups for Couples
How to minister effectively to a key demographic

Creating Video Ads and Testimonies
Use these helpful guidelines and insider tips to recruit new leaders and group members.
Effective Small Groups for Women
Get great advice and practical tips on ministering to an important demographic

Revolutionary Prayer in Your Small Group
It doesn't have to be boring or ineffective; it can be great.

Effective Intergenerational Small Groups
Consider moving beyond age segregation in your church communities.

Finding, Recruiting, and Training an Apprentice
It's both easier and harder than it sounds.

Leading a Life-Changing Bible Study
Work with the Holy Spirit to help your group members become more like Christ.

Planning a Short-Term Missions Trip as a Group
Great advice to help you before and during your trip

Starting a House Church
Helpful advice from experienced leaders in the simple-church movement

Teaching in Smaller Groups
Guidance for teaching in a Bible study, small group, or Sunday school class.

How to Prepare for a Bible Study
Practical tips for adapting an existing study or writing your own

Plan a One-Day Retreat for Your Small Group
You and your group members could use a break.

Planning a Group Service Project
This resource is full of practical tools for both group leaders and church staff.

Casting a Vision for Small Groups
Use these step-by-step resources to successfully spread the word in your church.

Foundations of a Small-Group Leader
How to build and maintain a strong foundation for community ministry

Grow the Number of Small Groups in Your Church
Using addition and multiplication to expand your ministry

Effective Affinity Groups
Train both new and experienced group leaders to build a successful community around affinity.

Improving Small-Group Accountability
Help your groups find and maintain authentic relationships and spiritual growth.

Discussing Doctrine and Theology
Several key tools to help you stay afloat when the conversation goes deep

Meaningful Worship in Small Groups
Includes tips for singing and other methods of connecting with and praising God

Small-Group Assimilation Strategies
Bring church members into your groups, and group members into your church.

Coaching Small Group Leaders
Practical advice for those who train, support, and encourage small-group leaders

Answering Tough Questions
How to handle seven difficult questions that are likely to pop up in your small group

Handling Conflict in Small Groups
Practical advice to help you when things get a little ugly

Stay Connected Through the Summer
Make the most of summer—whether or not you take a break.

Ministering to Difficult Group Members
How to effectively lead a group without letting members' quirks get you off track

Effective Turbo Groups
Learn about this method of training several new group leaders at once.

Soul Care For Yourself and Your Group
Principles and practices to care for your soul and your group members' souls

Family-Friendly Small Groups
Why you, and your church, should support the families of group members

Go Deeper with God
Help your group connect with God through the ancient practices of contemplative prayer and lectio divina.